If I Did It
If I wrote this blog, here’s how I would do it…
Michael Richards went nuts onstage and a reporter from the New York Post asked me to comment on it. I told him that Michael Richards went nuts onstage.
I, personally, believe that if it’s not in your heart, it’s not on your tongue but to that, I will offer this caveat … maybe not always. If a kid says, “I hate you!” to a parent, he probably feels quite the opposite and is just screaming the most upsetting thing out of complete frustration. If this is what happened to Michael Richards then he needs anger management, he needs to explore the roots of his rage and he needs to keep ever present the realization that as much as he hates those hecklers, Mel Gibson hates him even more.
Photo Essay
Dating at Ten
Andy and Jo
Dating at Fifteen
Maggie and Jake
Weezy & The Swish
On our Podcast, we welcomed G4- TVs Guy Branum to celebrate the launch of next gen gaming consoles, Play Station 3 and Nintendo Wii. This seemed like a good idea until Guy arrived without a Play Station 3 or a Nintendo Wii for us to play.
I watched with interest as people camped out for days at a Best Buy in an effort to obtain these coveted items. I find it compelling that in order to lay your hands on the latest piece of modern technology, one had to revert to the oldest form of subsistence. ie: sleeping in the mud and eating Cheese-Its by the light of your Gameboy.
Comedy Nights
Comedy Nights has added an additional comedy night. We will premiere at Rocks, 801 State Street, Santa Barbara, on Wednesday, November 29th at 8:00 pm. (see above)
Meanwhile, down at Brick’s on Thursday night this week, all heck broke loose. It was a tasty scuffle and I did not capture it on tape because I was in a meeting with the owner, but even if I had, I would not use it here. I would sell it to TMZ. (that’s a joke, because I am a comedian)
What happens at Brick’s, cuz it’s crazy down State Street, is that people tend to arrive drunk. So, by 11:00 pm or so, they are really, really drunk. It’s a loud, tough room to work but the atmosphere is friendly, the food is great and the comedy is funny.
Back to my story… There was a table full of party girls, including Hannah who’s feeling merry because she’s taking a trip to Amsterdam. They were fairly chatty when I was on stage, so I talked to them. They’re happy, they’re drunk, they're friendly, they’re going to Amsterdam, and most notably, they’re drunk. We had fun with it. Exhibit A:
However when our headliner, Graham Elwood took the stage, he was not feeling their mood. I was in the back with Wally. I heard a lot of yelling and a lot of laughter and I thought everything was fine.
It turns out that Hannah would not stop talking and Graham would not stop hollering. The audience was still laughing and we seemed to be teetering within the bounds of chaotic control. Then one of our other comics stood up and yelled, “SHUT THE F@#*K UP!” That was a bit of a buzz kill.
However, now that Michael Richards has shown us how horrible it could have become, I commend you, Graham Elwood for handling things as eloquently as you did. As enraged as you were at Hannah, at no point did you hurl anything racial. Now, given, she’s a blonde girl from Santa Barbara but still, it could have gone ugly and it didn’t.
Also, Graham did not go on Letterman to apologize. He phoned me. The point of my blog is that yes, we do lose our temper, yes we can be pushed to the edge and yes, sometimes it happens publicly. What’s important is that it’s captured on tape and sold for money and I failed to do that.
Happy Thanksgiving.