Assorted Thoughts
I've been listening to Oprah and Friends on the XM Radio and soaking it in. Good stuff. I'm living my best life. Being my best Being. Typing my best font. (Ariel, with the occasional Webding)
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As I select my webdings, I am hearing the sound of Michael Buble wafting up from the Santa Barbara Bowl through my open window. (He is very far from where you are and he wants to go home.)
Our Tuesday night Stateside Stand Up Comedy show is going very well here in Santa Barbara. We've been posting photos of the comics with the folks on our Myspace page. Here is an example.
Andrew Norelli with local Tipsies.
Many by this point in the evening do not remember where they are. This serves as a reminder.
Suli McCullough meets and greets.
Kyle and Joel Dibiase, two of our L.A. Teen Comedy Club members star in our latest short film. We call it, "The Tae Bo Kid."
Three of our Santa Barbara Teen Comedy Club members performed at a recent Jewish Federation/JCC event.
I helped film an event for the Rock and Roll Academy of Santa Barbara. It's an after-school program for kids who would like to rock. The kids, in various bands, performed at SoHo. The place was packed, the crowd was happy. And the kids did, in fact, rock.
And thus, it has been a wonderful week. Praise Oprah.
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