Talk it Over

Please join us in welcoming our newest podcast arrival, "Talk it Over," starring Reporter/Journalist, Diane Dimond, Professional Mediator, Lee Jay Berman and whatever the heck I am, Louise Palanker.
This is an amazing show about people, relationships, conflict, disputes, the law, resolution, problem solving, and everything that makes us love, makes us hate, makes us angry, makes us understand and makes us human.
If I weren't in this show, I would listen to it and I say that because so far, I'm in it and already listening (to most of it. Sometimes I daydream) and it's really, really good.
In our second episode, which we're calling: "Show Number Two," we welcome Renowned Veteran Santa Barbara Prosecutor, Ron Zonen and we talk about very interesting things for about 90 minutes.
This picture does not include Diane Dimond because she is in New York and and we are in California and the lens is not that wide.
So here's what Diane looks like when she's in New York and longing to be with us in California...

As I write this post, my book, Journals is ranked number 342,684 on's best seller list with an average rating of five stars based on the three reviews written by Fritz Coleman, my cousin Trish and my Mom. This thing is on fire. Set your Tivo for Oprah.
Journals contains photographs my father took with a Baby Brownie Camera throughout the Normandy Invasion, the march across Europe and the Battle of the Bulge. The photos are fascinating on many levels. One being their representation of the resolute human spirit peeking through the horror of war.
A bombed out city could look like this...
And still, a family on a doorstep will contain a little boy who wants to hold a gun and a lady who wants to say, "Look! Here's my doggy!"
The story in Journals is about a young girl, (pretty much based on me) who secretly reads her father's World War II Journal (exactly my Dad's actual journal) so in support of this, I hoisted up onto You Tube an interview my father, Marvin Palanker did for the Buffalo, NY Holocaust Resource Center. This was taped in 1990, three years before my father passed away.
I also loaded a story I produced and directed for PM Magazine in 1986 about Simon Wiesenthal.
And while I was looking through stories I produced for PM Magazine I came across some of my most important journalist works, such as this scathingly shocking investigative report on the sordid lives of child stars, Missy, Tracey and Brandy Gold... (note the sarcasm. These kids were idyllic)
And this probing look into the illicit and tawdry body building addiction of Adrian Zmed... (note the lack of sarcasm)
With my celebrity muckraking career behind me, I am now free to investigate the curious behavior as my family as we watched a recent July 4th fireworks display. This introspective piece is entitled, "Was That The Finale?"
Be safe and healthy!