Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Weezy & The Swish on TV and Other Adventures

Ari, Guest Engineer, Ian Broyles, Weezy, Brett Ernst, The Swish

TV Adventures

My grandest adventure, this week was appearing on an NBC TV show called Your L.A with my podcasting partner, Laura Swisher. It airs, locally in Los Angeles on Channel 4 at 12:00 noon. The program is hosted by morning Weather Caster, Rachel Boesing. She has an amazing personality and it was a blast being on the show.

If you don’t live in L.A or you, like my sister, and like me, forgot to watch it, you can see it now through the miracle of You Tube by clicking below...

Comedy Nights

In a recent blog, I mentioned that anyone who comes up and tells me that they’ve read my blog will be mentioned in my blog. This was meant as a warning, Lauren from Santa Barbara. But rather than heed my words of caution, you walked right up to me at Comedy Nights in Brick’s Café and boldly told me that you enjoy my blog. Now everyone reading this knows how very unwisely you make use of your time, Lauren. They all know now how you fritter the hour away attempting to digest my self indulgent babblings. They’re reading this, Lauren and they’re laughing at you… laughing and pointing. Silly, silly Lauren, she reads Weezy’s… wait… irony is fun.

Stand-Up Comedy

Last week I appeared in front of a packed crowd at The Icehouse in Pasadena. They were not there to see me. They were there to see headliner, Craig Ferguson from The Late, Late Show. However, they did indulge me for I was there to be taped for the media. For television, you ask? For the movies? Radio? For in-flight entertainment programming? No. For the telephone. My stand-up was recorded for Comedy Time which provides content to cell phone companies such as Sprint and T-Mobile. My ground-breaking stand-up comedy set should send subscribers scrambling to lock themselves into long-term, financially binding service plans. So whether you download my comedy or just call me, I will rock your cell phone.

I also stuck around to watch Craig Ferguson’s set and he is so funny that after awhile, I got tired of laughing and just stared at him because he’s that cute.

YoungBloods of Comedy

The YoungBloods of Comedy had their best show EVER at Hallenbeck’s.

Keeping our nation safe, strong and funny, left to right,
Jeremy Backlar, Joel Dibiase, Devon Suraco and Tyler Connaghan.

Here's an astonishing look into the the exacting art and science of crafting a career in stand-up comedy...

Weezy & The Swish

Our guest on Weezy and The Swish was Brett Ernst, one of my favorites. He headlined for us, last week at Comedy Nights in Santa Barbara and as a Podcast guest, there is none better. He stirred up some political heat and things got nice and toasty. Check out some backstage highlights...

Happy Holidays!

My sister needs either a bigger house or a smaller family. Until we cleared the table we were unable to open the fridge.

My cousins, Emma and Aaron built towers and became art.

"Yes, thank you ." I had a rough week and desert.

Happy Birthday, "Little Devon!"

LD celebrated his HB in the OC. Devon Suraco turned 16 this week with a big bash at Martini Blues. Thank you, Bill Word for creating a second home for Devon at The Blues. He is thriving.

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

NBC and Other Great Adventures

I am enjoying a very busy week. Almost too busy to type this, but so sorry, not quite busy enough.

Let’s begin with Monday. I hosted at Velvet Jones in Santa Barbara where Butch Bradley and Nigel Lawrence were plied on stage with shots of Yeager brought up by fans. The side effects of taking Yeager shots while performing include, turning pink and attempting to form a rock band.

Justin (JMike) Michael from Santa Barbara's Rock's Nightclub, with Comedian, Butch Bradley

Tuesday was yet nuttier, my podcasting partner, Laura Swisher and I were guests on a new show called yourLAtv at NBC, Channel 4 in Los Angeles. We had our make-up done, met the show’s host, Rachel Boesing, who is adorable, and wandered into the NBC commissary where we found Justin Timberlake’s band relaxing over sandwiches and chili. They were there to perform on the Tonight Show. Laura, armed with her new MP3 recorder was anxious to capture an interview with a band member, yet nervous about asking.

I, having asked far more harrowing questions this week, did not give a damn, so when a Justin band member strayed from the herd to return his tray, I boldly inquired, “May we interview you?” His reply was painless. He said, “Yes” and we had some fun interviewing Justin’s bass player who had no idea where “sexy” had gone and why it was Justin Timberlake’s appointed duty to bring it back.

Me, The Fritz, The Swish

Then our friend, Fritz Coleman, the local NBC Weatherman found us and visited for a few until we were called down to the set. (that sounds impressive, doesn’t it?)

Here’s the coolest part… before they shot our interview, they played selected highlights from my behind the scenes at Weezy & The Swish video blogs! The piece opens on us waiting for Laura. I think Big Devon Goodman, Little Devon Suraco, Devon’s friend, Steve, Ari and Fini are in the shot, then it cuts to the studio where comedian EriK Griffin is performing hand fart music. It’s awesome! Seeing that on actual television was almost as thrilling as being interviewed.

Laura was hilarious. Everyone at NBC was wonderful… even the Tour Guide who yelled at me for taking a picture of Laura pretending to key Jay Leno’s car did it rather kindly.

Don't try this. It's not nice and it's not funny

Tonight, I’m off to The Icehouse, a comedy club in Pasadena, where I am taping stand-up that will be downloadable on cell phones I’ll write more about that tomorrow.

Meanwhile, here are this week’s video blogs.

The YoungBloods of Comedy: September 16th at Hallenbeck's in North Hollywood

Backstage with Weezy & The Swish and guest, Lisa Kushell Arch

Comedy Nights at Brick's in Santa Barbara: September 14th

More Comedy Nights Highlights: Featuring Erik Griffin, Mark Sussman and Bryan Callen

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Comedy Nights: Nomadic or Habitually Exiled?

Comedy Nights

It’s with a growing sense of pride that I announce to you that Comedy Nights has been invited to leave yet another location in Santa Barbara. Northstar Coffee tolerated us for three long weeks before politely saying, “We love what you’re doing. Now, please go do it somewhere else..”

Our "somewhere else" will be Brick’s, formerly Casablanca at 509 State Street.

Warren, the manager of Northstar Coffee astutely recognized that an individual sipping green tea and discussing socially conscious issues with his like minded yoga instructor/life coach on a given Thursday evening did not necessarily wish to hear about Ari’s retarded Uncle. Consequently, Warren invited Wally, the owner of Brick’s to come by on our closing night at Northstar and sample our wares.

Wally signed us up on the spot and our first show at Brick’s, this Thursday, will feature Bryan Callen from “Mad TV” and “Old School,” along with Earl Skakel and Erik Griffin. Thank you, Warren for keeping comedy alive and available to all the bold souls who remain brave enough to laugh. And thank you, Wally for taking us on. We will make you proud.

Meanwhile, please enjoy these videos from our heroic final night at Northstar, featuring Graham Elwood, and Mark Sussman.

The beginning of Goodbye

What Does it Take To Get Kicked Out of a Coffee Shop? This...

YoungBloods of Comedy

YoungBloods, Jeremy, Tyler, Jake and Geoff

The YoungBloods of Comedy, our teen comedy troop soared to new heights this week with perhaps their finest performance ever at Hallenbeck’s in North Hollywood. Thanks, in part, to the odd training methods of our co-instructor, Ari David. Before you sign your child up for this program, you need to watch this video…

From The Class to The Stage

Here are further highlights from the show. The kids, along with a fine sampling of family friendly adult comedians perform every Saturday night at Hallenbeck’s. Come join us…

YoungBloods Comedy Highlights

Weezy and The Swish

Debbie, Me, Ari, Laura, Mark

Laura and I have been invited to do an interview and appear on an NBC TV show called Your L.A. TV. I'm not sure what it entails but as opposed to podcasting, I'm going to have to wear clothes.

This week, our guest on Weezy and The Swish was Mark Sussman along with our new regular, Ari David and it was a particularly entertaining show so I can highly recommend clicking...

The "Popular Dance" looping video (seen above) was created, using this video from Comedy Nights, by a Weezy and The Swish listener with the screen name Cheburashka. He or she asks, "How often do you do the Popular Dance?" Hmmm, I think I do it whenever I'm feeling particularly popular and/or when I'm doing that joke. Thanks for the little GIF, Cheburashka. You have made me feel very populrrr. It's hard to dance and type.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Life is Full... of cool stuff

Comedy Nights

Headliner, Sam Tripoli

We enjoyed our second exciting evening of Comedy Nights at Northstar in Santa Barbara. This week bore witness to a performance breakthrough. We put the show up on a stage. Everything is funnier with a stage… especially the exhausted, sweaty people who hauled it around.

Antonia. Winner of $2 and the tittle: "Best Laugher"

Our headliners were Eric Schwartz and Sam Tripoli! Check out two videos worth of haha-lights … (How lame is that? Come on, truly?)

Weezy & The Swish

Me, Laura, Ari David with Erik Griffin

Our newest Podcast features comedian Erik Griffin who we recruited from Week One of Comedy Nights based on his very high level of hilarity. There promises to be much cross-pollination between the Podcast and Comedy Nights. i.e.: Comedy Nights this Thursday will feature Graham Elwood who is on episode 54 of Weezy & The Swish.

Kids Comedy Club

Jake Labovitz made his triumphant debut at Hallenbeck's

Calling themselves, The Youngbloods of Comedy, the teen comedians have created a My Space presence and they are charging the stage with the tenacity and ferocity that only children who have recently had “tenacity” and “ferocity” as vocabulary words in school can do. Check out these highlights from Saturday night at Hallenbeck’s.

Have a wonderful week!