Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do You Have a Blogger Card?

Just a Little Venting
I have grown weary of hearing this:
"Do you have a Ralphs Club card?"
"Do you have a Boarders Club card?"
"Do you have a Rite Aid card?"
"Do you have a Gap Card?"
It will also save you money at all Banana Republic and Old Navy Stores.""You don't have a Gap Card?" "Well, would you like to apply for a Gap card?"
My response of "No, thank you," is met with a stunned look which silently asks, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
I am then told how much money I would have saved had I been in possession of this valuable club card. I am never told how much time I would have saved had I not been engaged in this conversation.
I wish I were more thrifty, more prudent, more frugal, more organized. But more than this much more than this, I wish I could check out of a store without being asked to sign up for their club card. And I wish I had a barrel large enough to hold every club card I've been offered and a purse strong enough to carry this barrel and a pack mule sturdy enough to carry this purse and a sherpa bold enough to guide our heavily laden shopping expedition.
"Do you have a Vons Club card?"
"Do you have an Arby's Club card?"
"Do you have a strip club card?"
Do you have a Meth Lab Club card?"
"Do you have a Prison Club card?"
No! I do not want to sign up for the Prison Club card! And, yes, I do know how much money I could have saved on shanks and tats!

Talk it Over

We took a week off for the Jewish Holidays and so I have no podcasting update however, I do have a photo of a Rabbi saving a Torah from Hurricane Katrina.

This is a beautiful photograph. It speaks of how precious our cultures and our histories are to us and how they must be cherished, cared for, and protected from storms and from inhumanity.

What lights me up is that we do protect our histories and we always have and we always will. All people. Whatever nation, whatever disaster or atrocity, you will always find a picture like this amidst the wreckage that lifts you and lets you hope that people care far more powerfully than a storm can rage.

And maybe this is why as the sun set on Yom Kippur, we saw a rainbow.

Kids Comedy Club

Three kids received ties of honor at our last performance. They are, Paul Herera, Devon Suraco (turning 17 this week) and Adrian Wolf. Our next performance is at Hallenbecks in North Hollywood, on Saturday, September 29th at 8pm.
My nephew (top photo) does not think he's king of the world. He is, however, dating a hawk.
Have a safe, healthy, beautiful week!


Blogger Chase Roper said...

I'm with you on the club card problem. When I put my items on the counter at any store where they offer their own card, I immediately tell the cashier that I hate saving money, and would love for them charge me twice if that were legal, but I'll just opt for paying full price with discounts instead.

That last bit about your nephew dating a hawk was hilarious.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm about half/half with you on the card thing.

If you have to PAY for the card, it would depend on how much you actually spend at that store vs. what the savings is supposed to be.

If it's a typical supermarket savers card, I LOVE them. They are free to sign up for, they are sometimes the only way to get stuff on sale, they send extra coupons to customers with the cards, they can track your purchases a little more for that "free turkey" promotion around thanksgiving, one supermarket that I shop at publishes a magazine that they charge $4.00 for normally filled with recipes...I got a free one in the mail a couple of weeks ago! So worth the few minutes to sign up.

6:21 AM  
Blogger Louise Palanker said...

Here's the thing: I know it's worth it to sign up. I know I SHOULD sign up. But I just want to pay and leave which makes me feel foolish and guilty. I guess I wish they would just charge us less to begin with. How about passing on all the money they spend on their "club card" program as savings to us?

1:07 PM  
Blogger DuckyTKid said...

This entry had me laughing out loud (literally). Any mention of a sherpa usually makes me laugh. You're hilarious Weezy. Also, I love that picture of the rainbow, you've got a good eye.

3:10 AM  

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